Our Story
Ritual Chic is a pandemic-born family business based in Winter Park, Florida. Our mission is to remind you that the time you spend focusing on Self is essential to creating the life you love.
Our founder and head chandler, Tatia J, brings 30 years of experience in Reiki, energy healing, and chakra balancing to each handcrafted candle.
We bring you a line of beautiful, nontoxic soy candles with crystals and herbs to infuse your heart and home with good vibes.
How do Ritual Chic candles compare to the average candle quality?
When I first make these candles, they look like glass: shiny, smooth, and simply beautiful.
These artisan candles are made with 100% soy wax. Not just any soy wax, but the kind that is the hardest to work with: the softest soy.
This type of soy, like a fine diamond, has inclusions. The second we introduce another product into the wax, it starts to change.
In every energy balancing candle, I have introduced at least four different herbs and crystals. Each one slightly changes the constitution of the candle.
Once they are added, the top is no longer smooth — it becomes a canvas for the artistry of these healing herbs and crystals.

What ingredients are used in Ritual Chic candles?
I only use the finest ingredients. Every single ingredient is chosen with care and attention to how it will perform in the wax. I choose our ingredients by asking these questions:
Is it safe for people and the environment?
What are the properties and qualities this power center (or chakra) needs to thrive?
What needs to be cleansed so that thriving is easier?
I have 30 years of experience using rituals and the chakras. I bring to you a product that is filled with the history of centered relief.
Wax: 100% soy wax (soft, body-safe soy)
Scent: All scents used are healthy and nontoxic. I use fragrance oils from the Clean Scents line from CandleScience which are held to rigorous standards and are free from carcinogens, mutagens, and toxins. Each candle is infused with pure essential oils
Wick: I use double-wound cotton wicks.
Meditation: Each candle comes with a meditation that balances the specific energy center. As we grow our website, I will share more meditations, body movements, and breathwork resources to get you centered on your Now moment.
Crystals: Each crystal has an energy property that assists the candle's purpose. Our crystals are all sustainably sourced from United States.
Herbs: All of our herbs are sustainably sourced, and most are organic. They are specifically chosen to match the purpose and energy of each candle.
Example: Our “Creative and Sexy” candle is designed to balance the second chakra. Damiana is one of the herbs in this candle, and I chose Damiana because it’s a natural aphrodisiac that inspires creativity and passion — perfect for the purposes of the candle!